Schlagwort: startseite1

Prof. Aldo R. Boccaccini, head of the Institute of Biomaterials (WW7), was elevated to Fellow of the European Ceramic Society and received the fellowship certificate at the XVI Conference of the European Ceramic Society (ECERS) held in Turin, Itay, from June 17th to 20th 2019. ECERS fellows are p...

Kategorie: News

Das erste Treffen und wissenschaftliche Seminar des DGM-Regionalforums Erlangen fand am 2. April 2019 am Department Werkstoffwissenschaften statt. Auf dem Programm standen Vorträge von Prof. Aldo R. Boccaccini (Departmentssprecher WW und Vorsitzender des DGM-Regionalforums Erlangen), Dr.-Ing. Ant...

Kategorie: News