Prof. Boccaccini wurde bei der Mitgliedervollversammlung 2018 als Mitglied der Deutschen Akademie der Technikwissenschaften aufgenommen.
Die acatech ist die deutsche Wissenschaftsakademie für Technik und angewandte Wissenschaften. Der Verein berät Politik und Gesellschaft in technikwissenschaftlich...
Dr.-Ing. Benjamin Apeleo Zubiri überzeugt mit Vortrag “Accessing the 3D microstructure of complex geometric, biological structures using electron tomography and nano X-ray tomography”
The Center for Nanoanalysis and Electron Microscopy (CENEM) has opened its door, welcoming a Chinese delegation as a part of their 30-days training program in Germany. The visiting and training programs were supported by MIIT (Ministry of Industry and Information Technology) and SAFEA (State Adminis...
Thomas Distler, PhD student at the Institute of Biomaterials, was awarded this years' prize for the Best Masters Thesis in Biomaterials, which is awarded annually by the German Society for Biomaterials (Deutsche Gesellschaft für Biomaterialien e.V., DGBM). The thesis with the title "Vessel Bioplotti...
Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Aldo R. Boccaccini (Institute of Biomaterials, Department WW) has been elected Fellow of the Society of Glass Technology (SGT), based in United Kingdom.
Fellowship Recognition is given to individual achievement and is awarded for recognized contributions to the science and t...