Successful International Symposium at the Institute of Biomaterials

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The International Symposium „Erlangen Institute of Biomaterials: Inauguration of new building and facilities” together with the „3rd Erlangen Symposium on Biomaterials: ‚Challenges for the 21st Century” was held on 28th November 2016 at the new building of the Institute of Biomaterials in Erlangen-West.

More than 80 researchers, including professors, post-doctoral researchers, PhD students as well as Master students and academic visitors, took part at this event which was organized to mark the inauguration of the new building and facilities of the Institute. Prof. Boccaccini, Head of Institute, opened the symposium reading also a message of Prof. F. Paulsen, the vice president for Teaching and Learning of the University of Erlangen-Nuremberg.

In his introduction Boccaccini highlighted the quality of the laboratory space and modern facilities for biomaterials and cell biology research, with emphasis on tissue engineering, electrospinning and biofabrication, which are now available for the members of the Institute and the new opportunities for national and international collaborations. The program of the symposium included a series of high quality presentations by invited speakers from Erlangen, Germany and abroad (pictured with Prof. Boccaccini), who covered a great variety of topics from conventional biomaterials for implants and surgical technologies to novel bioactive and cell instructive materials for tissue engineering, cancer research and drug delivery.

The symposium finished with the round table „Biomaterials: Challenges for the 21st Century“ with active contribution of the participants. The visitors had the opportunity to tour the new laboratories and facilities.